Mastering Pro-Level Pickleball: 3 Insights and Takeaways from Nationals 2023

We just got back from nationals and wanted to share three observations from the pro-level play. It's part of an exciting journey, and we're looking forward to diving deeper into our experiences.

  1. Let it rip, baby! This is a trend we have commented on over the last few years, and it continues in full force. Elite players are looking to speed things up by default, and only slowing things down when absolutely necessary. If you’re going to play with the big kids, you better expect some heat!

2. Quiet, please! We know that advanced players have to communicate well, but that communication doesn’t always have to be verbal. One thing we noticed is how little the pros spoke to each other during points and between them. They weren’t always silent, of course, but it was remarkable how many times they had little or no verbal communication while the ball was in play or even after. Why? Because we are locked in. And because we already know who is taking what ball and what the game plan is.

3. Huge serves. Whether it was singles or doubles, the pro players were going for it with their first shot — not necessarily to win the point (although that’s a nice bonus) but to make it more likely the opponent hits a weak return they could attack. Did they miss some serves occasionally? Yes. But that seemed like a risk most were willing to take.

Stay tuned for more stories from our journey into the heart of professional pickleball play!


Mark and Third Shot Sports